Summer tales 2

Warning. I’m hit by the urge to rambleeeeeeeee. D:

Revenge revenge revenge. City Hunter’s revolving all around revenge. If they could just learn to forgive, then that’s a lot of bloodshed and hatred prevented. Especially that man who stole a baby from the widow to train him from young simply to take revenge on those who sacrificed the lives of the baby’s father and 19 other special military soldiers. Then some 20 years later he has to lie to the poor widow that her son is dead, when what the devastated mother begged was just to have one look at her son whose name she doesn’t even know because she has leukemia. The director gave her character a really tragic lifeline, didn’t he? But I’m sure there are many people who lead lives as sadly as hers or worse. It’s hard to imagine how they get through each day – sometimes people living comfortably get easily frustrated or demotivated over some problems (probably pea-sized compared to life troubles others face). I admit I do too. In moments like these, I’ll seek comfort from God, for He says,”Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9) Aren’t His words wonderfully comforting? To know that He’s always there with me, closer than what we tend to think. Reminding myself about people who are much much more ill-fortuned than me also pulls me out from my hole. I cannot imagine how horrible it would be if I do not know God and I’m stuck in a miserable life. No pillar of support to push me on to non-existent hope. So I have to be grateful and appreciative for all good and bad in my life! For having the best gift one could ever have! (:


I’m in Nottingham now! The weather has been pretty gloomy here. Grey clouds following me? The skies were dull all the way from a raining Manchester too. I thiiink. Well, whenever I looked up from my story book and out of the window I saw a grey sky. Nottingham felt chilly and windy when I emerged from the train station. The buildings here are shorter than in Manchester but I like it. The rows of little shops with window displays cluttered on both sides of narrow roads. The trees and flowers tucked into pavements or rectangular plant-boxes. The town feel.

It was kind of nostalgic for me as I got around and checked out familiar places though. Nottingham was the first place I visited upon arriving in UK previously. I remember the round toilet stand at Broadmarsh Bus Station where we went to early in the morning after spending a night in the car. I remember the roundabouts where we had to take the 3rd exit to head to town from my sister’s place. I remember the small fish and chip shop where the Thai owner lent us a Nottingham map (their shop has expanded into a Thai restaurant!) I remember the Dunkirk Inn where we tried to get free wi-fi and ended up with my sister buying a glass of 1 pound Coke. I remember many many more things. Perhaps my memory isn’t that bad. :D

Anyhow, I’m running out of time to use my sister’s laptop to online before she comes back later at night! Wish I can get my laptop to work with wi-fi. I’ll hop in and ramble some more next time. :P